Open The Book/AssembliesOpen the Book offers primary school children an opportunity to hear the major stories of the Bible. A team present the stories during assemblies, each presentation taking around 10-15 minutes. It can be incorporated into a wider school assembly, or can stand alone.
Reflection Spaces and TrailsReflection spaces are the highlight of the year for a lot of children. We provide a space for children to come and reflect and pray, using interactive and engaging stations. Over the course of the session, children will travel around each of the stations and be given to opportunity to reflect on their own lives, the lives of their friends and family and even to reflect about things going on throughout the world.
Lunch ClubsLunch clubs offer a space for children to come and explore faith on their own terms outside of the structure of lessons or assemblies. They typically include craft, games and a short talk or story and are thoroughly enjoyed by the students that attend them.
Yr 6 PresentationsYr 6 is a really pivotal year in the life of school children, and as FACCTS we love to spend more time with them as they transition into secondary school. We offer presentations 3 times a year for the Yr 6 classes, focusing on Christmas, Easter and on the transition into Secondary School.